
Stack component is a layout component that stacks its children vertically or horizontally.

Examples Default stack

Default stack is using vertical direction with a gap of --dds-spacing-600 / 24px between its children.

  <dap-ds-button>Button 1</dap-ds-button>
  <dap-ds-button>Button 2</dap-ds-button>
  <dap-ds-button>Button 3</dap-ds-button>
Horizontal stack

You can set the direction to row or row-reverse to stack the children horizontally. Horizontal stack is using the gap of --dds-spacing-200 / 8px between its children.

<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <dap-ds-button>Button 1</dap-ds-button>
  <dap-ds-button>Button 2</dap-ds-button>
  <dap-ds-button>Button 3</dap-ds-button>
Custom spacing

You can set the spacing to a custom value to adjust the space between the children. Any dds-spacing- variable number can be used.

<dap-ds-stack direction="row" spacing="600">
  <dap-ds-button>Button 1</dap-ds-button>
  <dap-ds-button>Button 2</dap-ds-button>
  <dap-ds-button>Button 3</dap-ds-button>
import { DapDSStack } from 'dap-design-system/dist/dds'
Importing React
import { DapDSStackReact } from 'dap-design-system/dist/react'
(default)The content of the stack.
directionCSSFlexDirection'column'The direction of the stack. Default is column. Can be column, column-reverse, row, or row-reverse.
spacingSpacingThe spacing of the stack. Uses the system spacing scale (100, 200, 300...etc)
endMarginboolean falseAdds margin to the end of the stack.
startMarginboolean falseAdds margin to the start of the stack.

No custom events available.

CSS Parts

No CSS parts available.