Size tokens

Sizes are used to create consistent spacing, sizing, and alignment across the design system. The system uses a set of tokens for spacing, border width, and border radius.


Every token is prefixed with --dds-, use the variants concated with the base name to get the token value. Example: --dds-spacing-50 or --dds-border-width-large. The system is using the 4px as a base unit for spacing and sizing. Every token is a multiple of 4px. Token naming is based on hundreds, so --dds-spacing-100 is 4px (100 => 1 => 1 * 4px, 300 => 3 => 3 * 4px).


Spacing is used to create consistent spacing between elements.

Border width

Border width is used to define the width of the border.

Border radius

Border radius is used to define the radius of the border.
